Tag  |  God’s glory

why the Bible matters

In his article Does the Bible Matter in the 21st Century? author Vishal Mangalwadi lifts up the inestimable worth of God’s Word. He also notes that bad things happen when a country chooses to ignore the Bible’s wisdom. He writes, “[The US] was built by an ethic—a spirituality that taught citizens to work, earn, save, invest, and use their wealth to serve their neighbors. This biblical ethic has been replaced by secularism’s entitlement culture that teaches people that they have a right to this, that, and the other without corresponding obligations to work, save, and serve.”

unhappy at work

I have a friend who had been unhappy at work. He told me that no matter how hard he tried, his boss was completely unreasonable. Ultimately, he was fired. An acquaintance who knows both my friend and his boss told me he feels that it was my friend’s issues that led to his dismissal. So what’s the truth? My guess is that it’s a mixture of the two viewpoints. But here’s one thing we can know without question: Being unhappy in one’s work can lead to some sad results.

forgetting the reason

One of the main reasons why I love taking photos is because I can try to portray God’s handiwork. I try my best to show God’s creation, knowing that all I’m doing is merely trying to show the house through a peephole.

I have been guilty of forgetting the reason why I am snapping pics, but now I’ve been harshly…

the glory of Jesus

Wedding receptions. I’m not opposed to attending them. But, honestly, if I can avoid going to one, you’ll get no complaints from me. (Note: This does not apply to the day when either of my daughters marry!)

beaten, but not defeated

Police checkpoints dot the roads throughout Uganda, making random motorist inspections unavoidable. Usually the officers are ensuring that drivers have insurance and valid driving permits. In some cases, however, the police bring false charges against motorists to get bribes in return for letting them go.

the little people

They had gathered on the lush, rolling slopes to hear Him. And He stood there on the hill, looking into the eyes of as many of them as He could.

where we go

In November 2011, a football stadium filled with more than 100,000 fans went silent. In the middle of the field, prior to the game, both university teams were kneeling with heads bowed. In the middle of the crowd, an assistant coach—a believer in Jesus—lifted his voice in prayer for several minutes. What was going on? The home team had faced…

not mine to do

The idea was his, but he didn’t receive the credit. He drew the plans. He designed the furniture. He collected the materials. He made all the arrangements (1 Chronicles 22:1-6). But God didn’t respect David’s copyright. The first temple built in Jerusalem is known as Solomon’s temple.

King David’s desire to honor God is commendable, but the Lord said, “You…

creation's call

It’s falling from the clouds,

a strange and lovely sound;

I hear it in the thunder and the rain.

It’s ringing in the skies

like cannons in the night;

The music of the universe plays.

These worship-eliciting lyrics from the song Cannons by Phil Wickham celebrate God’s imprint on His creation. As we experience the beauty of a starry sky or stand by the…


I’ve figured out that secondary school boys are part of God’s plan to increase patience in my life. In my job I go from one extreme of teaching sixth form students to the corridors of insanity in teaching year 8 English. I enjoy most of my students, but there’s something unmistakably stretching about working with young men who totter uncertainly…


I opened up the e-mail and there it was. An invitation to step out of another comfort zone. An invitation to come speak at a church about the blanket ministry for the homeless I had started several years ago. I actually had spoken at this church last year and they wanted me to come back to give an update and…

the hand of God

When was the last time you traced the hand of God in your life? Some might choose their birthday to reflect on God’s work in their life, others might select the dawn of a new year.

In 2 Samuel 22 and 23:1-7, we read the inspired reflections of King David at the end of his reign as Israel’s king. Together,…

fit for a king?

Singapore is a democratic state. It was a British colony for 150 years and had a string of kings and queens during that time period. But now democracy rules the day!

In 1 Samuel 8 we find the people of Israel demanding a king (see also 1 Samuel 10:17-19, 12:6-18).

Why did they want a royal ruler? At first glance…

red barn in the andes

All roads may lead to Rome, but the most dangerous road leads to Coroico, a terminal stop on Bolivia’s El Camino de la Muerte—the Road of Death. The road may be deadly, but it’s also spectacular. Clinging to the sides of the verdant, misty Andes Mountains, the sliver of highway slices through panoramic vistas and tiptoes along unforgiving drop-offs that…

true beauty

Some 30,000 people recently were informed that they weren’t as attractive as they thought. This image-shattering news came courtesy of the staff of a cyber dating service for “beautiful men and women.” The staff dropped the gasping group (and their glamor shots) from its ranks because they simply didn’t make the cut. A spokesman for the site said, “We can’t…

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